Live High Train Low Altitude training in Two Olympic Champions

Training Diaries during Altitude Training Camp in Two Olympic Champions: an Observational Case Study In this article it discusses the Live High Train High (LHTH) method of altitude training. This case study was an attempt to provide successful examples of LHTH interventions. In this study they use two elite endurance athletes who were training for…

The Impact of Altitude Training on an Athlete’s Sleep

  Numerous studies have shown the benefits of high altitude training for endurance athletes.  With those benefits come some risks that must be assessed in order to maintain control of the athlete’s health and wellness, as well as his or her performance.  One such risk left mostly unexplored is the impact traveling to high altitudes…

Altitude and exercise during pregnancy

In a study conducted at sea-level and 6000 ft, the effects of exercise at high altitudes during pregnancy were tested. Seven women, all 34 weeks pregnant, performed a symptom-limited maximal exercise test and a sub-maximal cardiac output test at both sea-level and 6000 ft of altitude.  The research first considered the effects of altitude on pregnancy…