Does Sodium Supplementation Help Avoid Dehydration While Running in the Heat?

Athletes have been consuming sports drinks and supplements for year to help avoid dehydration and the consequences that come with it. It’s often been debated if sodium and potassium supplements within sports drinks or simply taken by themselves can help preserve an athletes plasma volume, prevent dehydration, and maintain body weight while competing at high…

Jet-Lagged Baseball Teams Suffer Disadvantage

Bradley Lanier 3/29/16 Jet Lag Effect on Baseball This article discussed how Jet-Lag could ultimately effect a major league baseball game. The researchers suggested that, given the data, a team that has to cross three time zones to play a game has a 60% chance of losing. The collected data used in this study spanned…

Anaerobic Performance When Re-hydrating with Water or Commerically Available Sports Drinks Following Prolonged Exercise in the Heat

Article Review The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of commercially available sports drinks on rehydrating capacity and anaerobic performance following exercise in the heat. Other variables of interest included drink palatability, thirst, feeling of stomach fullness, and urine output during exercise. The sample group consisted of seven endurance trained cyclists. Prior…

Effects of Heat and Humidity Levels on Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise

A study by Zhao et al. in 2013 explored the effects of three different environmental conditions on aerobic and anaerobic performance. There were nine Chinese, male, trained track and field athletes, with the average age of 21.6  ± 1.2 years and similar anthropometrics. The study was in the spring to prevent any natural heat acclimatization that…

Time course of natural heat acclimatization in well-trained cyclists during a 2-week training camp in the heat

Studies how shown that acclimatization to heat takes time and cannot happen all within one day. It is shown that physiological adaptations and their correlation with performance can improve once they’re acclimated to that environment. Certain factors that affect heat tolerance are core temperature, skin temperature, and sweating capacity. The study was conducted within a…

Air Pollution and Lipid Profiles in Athletes Versus Sedentary Adults

One of the more predominantly motivational reasons to exercise is to decrease the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, among staying fit, losing weight, etc. It is widely known that an increasing amount of air pollution has become a major health problem for individuals worldwide.  Something to be considered is the risk exercising in polluted…